The term "hypnosis" comes from the Greek word hypnos, meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. A person in a deeply focused state is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but this does not mean that a hypnotist can control the person's mind and free will. On the contrary, hypnosis can actually teach people how to master their own states of awareness. By doing so they can affect their own bodily functions and psychological responses.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy uses deep relaxation and a light trance state to access the subconscious mind.
Clients are safely guided to discover past connections to current issues, patterns and blocks. Repressed emotions are released and beliefs that no longer serve are changed by the client while making new, healthier life decisions.
The work takes place in the subconscious mind where the original trauma(s) are stored so that healing and transformation occur faster than with traditional psychotherapy. Corrective experiences anchor the new, healthier choices, allowing healing to be experienced at the deepest level.
Each client’s spiritual connection is honored and strengthened in the process.
Hypnotherapy Work?
When something happens to us, we remember it and learn a particular behavior in response to what happened. Each time something similar happens, our physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. In some cases these reactions are unhealthy. In some forms of hypnotherapy, a trained therapist guides you to remember the event that led to the first reaction, separate the memory from the learned behavior, and replace unhealthy behaviors with new, healthier ones.
During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused. Like other relaxation techniques, hypnosis lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and changes certain types of brain wave activity. In this relaxed state, you will feel at ease physically yet fully awake mentally and may be highly responsive to suggestion.
Treatments Will I Need?
Each session lasts about ninety minutes – two hours, and most people start to see results within the first 1 – 2 sessions and resolve the issue within 4 - 10 sessions.
Illness or Conditions
Respond Well to Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is used in a variety of settings -- from emergency rooms to dental offices to outpatient clinics. Clinical studies suggest that hypnosis may improve immune function, increase relaxation, decrease stress, and ease pain and feelings of anxiety.
Hypnotherapy can reduce the fear and anxiety that some people feel before medical or dental procedures. For example, hypnosis may improve recovery time and reduce anxiety as well as pain following surgery. Clinical trials on burn patients suggest that hypnosis decreases pain (enough to replace pain medication) and speeds healing. Generally, clinical studies show that using hypnosis may reduce your need for medication, improve your mental and physical condition before an operation, and reduce the time it takes to recover.
A hypnotherapist can teach you self-regulation skills. For instance, someone with arthritis may learn to turn down pain like the volume on a radio. Hypnotherapy can also be used to help manage chronic illness. Self-hypnosis can enhance a sense of control, which is often diminished when someone has a chronic illness.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Tension headaches
Eating Disorders
Low energy

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